Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer

Alan Clausi

Alan Clausi is an Ottawa personal injury lawyer with 19 years of experience. He handles most insurance claims, including motor vehicle lawsuits, SABS (Statutory Accident Benefits), catastrophic impairment, long term disability, dog bite, slip and falls, life insurance, and fire insurance claims. Alan represents clients across the province of Ontario. while most of his cases proceed in Ottawa, many of his cases also proceed in other areas such as Cornwall, Perth, Kingston and Brockville. Alan has a long list of satisfied clients. Check his testimonials to see what they say.




Motorcycle and car collision claim

$1.425 million

Highway high speed collision claim

$1.2 million

Car and refrigerator truck collision claim

$1.736 million

Pedestrian struck by a distracted driver

$1.65 million

Car and truck rear end collision claim

$1.16 million

Taxi driver hit and run collision claim


Rear end collision by multiple vehicles claim


Car rear end collision claim


Motorcycle collision causing fractured discs


Head-on collision between van and mid-sized vehicle


Rear-end collision on a bridge.


Vehicle and wheelchair collision in crosswalk

Alan Clausi has also settled approximately 200 other cases between $50,000 and $500,000. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results and that the amount recovered and other litigation outcomes will vary according to the facts in individual cases.

Contact Alan today for your free no-obligation consultation at (613) 225-0037 x14

Personal Injury Law

The insurance system in Ontario is complex and a lawyer is recommended in order to protect the victim of an accident and to ensure fair compensation. Consult with a lawyer to inform yourself of the claim process and the law after an accident in order to ensure that you do not miss limitation periods or fail to take a required step in the process. Contact Alan to obtain the information and knowledge you need to understand your rights and what is required to bring a claim.


Alan believes in the rights of his clients. An understanding of the law combined with dogged determination will mean you are well represented in your accident claim.


Navigating the insurance system in Ontario requires knowledge and patience. Diligence and determination is required to safeguard your rights as an accident victim.  Retaining an experienced lawyer who represents you fully is very important. Contact Alan today!


Alan provides quality, reasoned and timely solutions to legal issues involving personal injury claims. He effectively communicates all of the pitfalls and your options under the law. He will work on your file and assist you until your claim is resolved.

Contact us now with respect to your possible personal injury case.


Alan's Recent Trial and Appeal Decisions

Ensure that the lawyer you retain for your Ottawa personal injury accident claim is willing to go to court if necessary. Understanding the court system is important should your case need to be tried in court. Alan has 17 years of extensive experience in personal injury litigation. Look below to see a sample of some of Alan's latest rulings and decisions. Alan Clausi will stand up for you and your family's rights to fair and reasonable compensation.

Amouri v Hansen et al, 2021 ONSC 4473 July 5 2021 Costs decision of Master Kaufman

In Amouri v. Hansen et al, following the settlement of the plaintiff’s claim for damages, the defendant refused to pay reasonable costs and disbursements claimed by Ms. Amouri’s lawyer. The Court considered the submissions of Alan Clausi, lawyer for the plaintiff, and the submissions of defence counsel, and Ordered the defendant to pay the plaintiff’s…

Fayaz Al-Wadaan vs Aviva General Insurance Company – Tribunal Decision

Fayaz Al-Wadaan vs. Aviva General Insurance Company – Tribunal File No: 18-008742/AABS Adjudicator – Brian Norris , Alan J. Clausi – counsel for the applicant, Michelle Friedman – counsel for the respondent. Alan’s application to the License Appeal Tribunal (LAT) – Automobile Accident Benefit Service – was heard and a decision was made in favour…

Zein and Beauregard – Superior Court of Justice – Ontario – Striking of Jury Notice

Zein and Beauregard – Court File No. 16-68`70 Master Foutier – Counsel – Alan Clausi for the plaintiff, moving – Kelly Hart for the defendant, responding party. Alan’s motion for an order striking the Jury Notice was granted. Click here to read the decision

Dadi and Aviva Canada Inc. – Appeal summary

Aviva Canada Inc. and Yeshitla Dadi – Commission Appeal File No. P17-00074 October 23, 2018 James Brown – lawyer for Aviva Canada – Appellant Alan Clausi – lawyer for Yeshitla Dadi – Respondent   Aviva Appealed, alleging that Arbitrator Matheson erred by: 1. Misinterpreting the Schedule; 2. Failing to provide adequate reasons; 3. Refusing to…

Dadi and Aviva Canada Inc. – Arbitration summary

Arbitration – FSCO A16-004703 Alan Clausi – lawyer for Mr. Dadi – Applicant Alex Robineau and James Brown – lawyers for Aviva Canada Inc. – Respondent   The Arbitration of this accident benefits claim was brought mainly to dispute Aviva’s determinations that: 1. Mr. Dadi had suffered ‘minor’ injuries only; and 2. That a Treatment…

Costs Decision

After a three week trial, the Jury returned to Alan’s client a verdict of $65,000.00 in general damages and $175,000.00 in income loss, and found the plaintiff 30% contributorily negligent for the collision. Ultimately, the plaintiff was awarded $168,000.00 gross of the deductible. The plaintiff offered to settle the action prior to trial for $170,000.00.…

Threshold Motion

The defendants brought a threshold motion at the completion of the trial, seeking an order declaring that Alan’s client, the plaintiff, had not sustained a permanent and serious impairment of an important physical, mental or psychological function as a result of the motor vehicle accident that occurred on January 31, 2014 and did not meet…

Motion to Strike the Jury

Alan’s client, the plaintiff brought a motion after closing arguments to strike the jury. The plaintiff argued that the defendant’s comments in closing arguments that her claim was a “cash grab” was not directed to any evidence heard in the trial or rationality, was inflammatory, and prejudicial to the plaintiff because it implied that the…

Motion Decision – Defendant Motion to call a second physiatrist

The defendants brought a motion near the end of the trial to call a second physiatrist. The Court ruled that the defendants should be limited to one expert per specialty. Section 12 of the Evidence Act was intended to prevent calling multiple experts with the same specialty, as it incurs unnecessary expense, uses up scarce…


When a motor vehicle accident occurs, there are simple steps that should be taken to help any claim. It is understandable that you are worried about your health, your family and who is at fault, and confused about the process created by insurance companies, for insurance companies. Once an accident occurs and a claim is made, an insurance company’s priority is its own financial interests; your interests are secondary. The best thing to do is to contact a lawyer immediately to obtain information about what you should do. Time is of the essence. Do not delay!

  • After an accident, at the scene, try to remain calm and ensure you and your passengers are safe. Call emergency services if immediate medical attention is required. If you can, take photos of the scene from different angles. include road conditions, the street, all vehicles and the overall scene. Take many photos of your vehicle. Retain as much evidence as possible.
  • Speak with witnesses and obtain their contact information so you could speak with them later.
  • Exchange insurance information with other drivers.
  • Do not discuss who is responsible for the accident. Speak with the police and allow them to fill out their reports without an admission of guilt from you.
  • Contact your insurance company and report the collision, and share all of the facts with them immediately, as your mind will lose some details over time. Make notes for yourself as well, and record conversations on your phone if you feel threatened in any way.
  • Contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. The sooner you do this, the more an experienced lawyer can help you navigate the process and preserve your interests.

Areas of Practice

Car accidents

We help you with your options, your rights and work for you, not the insurance company.

Slip and Fall

If you’ve been injured on someone’s property, you may have a legal claim.

Disability and Insurance

Know your rights when navigating the legal maze of insurance claims.


See more testimonials.

Contact Alan